The girls go Ice Fishing with Daddy
David starts to walk
Brenden and Ainsley visit, we go sledding
Mommy does a craft fair: I did a total of 6 this year!
Daddy and Mommy visit Zermatt
We go on a cruise with our Jared and Kaddee Ross
The girls go to St. George with Gma to see Tarzan and Cats
We go camping with the snows
We play in our new swimming pool
We have fun at the Mecham Reunion at Six Lakes
Megan brakes her arm
Anna preforms with the Stars at UBIC
Daddy goes to Wood Badge and becomes a "bobwhite"
Daddy makes a hut and we have several marshmellow roasts
We visit Salt Lake and the Red Butte Gardens
Daddy hangs up the "pumper swing"
We also finish a lot on our shed: new stairs, railing, siding, paint, carport and refinance our house
Anna starts 1st grade
We enjoy a fourwheeler ride in Bridgeland and look at all the fall leaves
The kids and Mommy go to the Wayment Reunion in Southern Utah
We have a fun Halloween Hay ride in Bridgeland and dress up for the trunk or treat in our ward neighborhood
Daddy buys a new communter "cop" car at an auction
Brenden and Ainsley visit and we play at the Hut
We visit Lonnies family in Illinois and go to Nauvoo