Wayne and the girls have been working on clearing out a little hut in the russian olive forest near our house. For family home evening Anna wanted to roast marshmellows at the hut. We had a fun time.
David loves walking around the little trails in the "hut". He throws a fit when we have to leave.
Anna also loves building and creating the hut. She loves the adventure and being outdoors. Of course she loves smores too. She had a great idea to build a double smore! She also started 1st grade yesterday, she is really growing up. She had a fun day and wasn't even a bit tired. She did say that they "had to do a lot of 'discussion' and she just wanted to work on a paper or something."
Megan loves having her picture taken lately, she just wanted to keep posing at the hut and taking pictures. Tommarow will be six weeks since she broker her arm and we will be finally cast free, hopefully! She is scared and nervous to get her cast off and "bend" her arm. She thinks a cast for the rest of her life would be just fine! Not hardly! I will be very happy when she can dresss herself again!
Wayne loves having fun with the kids. He really enjoys creating things for them to play with and do. He did do an awesome job pruning up these trees to make it a nice little place in the hut. I'll have to take better pictures. Tommarow he will start Woodbadge. I am sure it will be really good, but we will miss him for the next few days...
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