Lately David loves kisses.
He'll climb up on a lap or hug his sisters and then
He puckers up his cute little lips, and closes his eyes.
Then he waits for someone to kiss him.
We can't resist! It is really cute and I know I'm really biased.
Here are my attempts at trying to capture it while David just wants to say cheese and grab the camera:
(by the way we are excited that Tangled is coming out soon... I just might break down and buy it, it was a fun movie!)
David enjoyed our 'green' dinner last night.
His first bite left some frosting on his chin. Daddy said "hurry take a picture of David's green beard!"
The girls thought it was hilarious!
We had a fun night watching Nanny McPhee.
When it first came out I was reluctant thinking it would be creepy, scary and gross.
But it was a cute movie, and now when I need a little extra something to get the kids to listen...
I'm breaking out my Nanny McPhee teeth!
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