We have been getting ready to welcome our little baby girl. I fixed up a corner in our room for her. It was fun finding some things at the dollar store to brighten it up. I also made a new cover for the changing table, and little blanket for the bed.
I found this wonderful printable on Pinterest and painted a frame and mat we had, turned out cute!
The girls are excited, they love her little corner. They felt a little bit left out that they didn't get new decorations and things, so I told them about how before they were born I made and bought things for them. Then we got out the scrapbooks and looked at their baby pictures, they loved it!
I also made this little paper chain last week to 'count down' the days before my due date. We each predicted when she will be born. On each strip is a little activity for us to do together. IT's been so fun! We read books about sisters, watched a princess movie, played babies, played "American Dolls" (ours aren't the real thing, but we call them that), played legos, read valentine books. Just simple things but fun to do ;)
Anna's doll all dressed up:
Megan has to hold the hair out of her eyes.
And Megan wanted matching hair dos. Girls are so much fun ;)! David has been busy playing hot wheels and monster trucks with Daddy, but also loved playing babies and legos with us.
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