We have been having a busy, fun fall! David went on a feild trip with his preschool class to the corn maze, Megan was supposed to go too but it got canceled because of bad weather. The weather has been kind of crazy but mostly nice with we really enjoy! Wayne went with Anna on a field trip to the Bird refuge/fish hatchery. I have been teaching Art for Anna's class.
Wayne went on a last minute trip 2 weeks ago to Oklahoma. His friend and new buisness partner JR Bird invited him. They went in JRs 4-6 seater plane to watch a proffesional fight, a local guy's last one. He had a wild plane ride there, kinda scary with turbulant weather, but the flight home was nice.
So in October JR offered Wayne this job/buisness partnership. We took a month to think it over and decided it would be good for us. We are so grateful for Wayne's job at Pinnacle. Mike was such a good boss to work for and always treated us well. We will miss it, but are excited about this new opportunity too.
Wayne has been working hard pruning trees and building our pump shed. Never a dull moment! The kids love making huts and Daddy loves making fires! One really rainy day he build this fire and little shelter for them. They would not come inside and were all drenched ;)
Fun memories!
What an awesome Daddy he can build and work and take care of a baby!! :)