Our girls are constantly creating, writing, coloring and scribbling. I have been thinking it would be really nice for them to have their own space to do this. I clean up crayons/pens/papers from my kitchen table, floor, couch and bedrooms every day! Well I looked around at children's table and chair sets, and then the other day I saw a Lifetime folding table much like one I already own at the Early Childhood Library. But this table had adjustable legs so that it could be 'kid' height. After more shopping around I found this one at Sams club for $40. I feel it is a good investment, because we won't outgrow it. I already had a couple of plastic chairs and Anna had fun helping me decorate hearts to hang on them. Also found a fun easel from IKEA, it has a big roll of paper that can roll through it. Anna calls it a 'seesil'.
Of course I can't post a blog without another picture of our sweet little boy. Isn't this little outfit adorable! Who says they don't make cute boy stuff?