Thursday, March 17, 2011

Here comes the smolder....

Lately David loves kisses.

He'll climb up on a lap or hug his sisters and then
He puckers up his cute little lips, and closes his eyes.
Then he waits for someone to kiss him.
We can't resist! It is really cute and I know I'm really biased.

Here are my attempts at trying to capture it while David just wants to say cheese and grab the camera:
(by the way we are excited that Tangled is coming out soon... I just might break down and buy it, it was a fun movie!)



David enjoyed our 'green' dinner last night.
His first bite left some frosting on his chin. Daddy said "hurry take a picture of David's green beard!"
The girls thought it was hilarious!
We had a fun night watching Nanny McPhee.
When it first came out I was reluctant thinking it would be creepy, scary and gross.
But it was a cute movie, and now when I need a little extra something to get the kids to listen...
I'm breaking out my Nanny McPhee teeth!
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Happy St. Patricks Day!

We had a fun dinner last night to celebrate the day of green!
I found these cute Green lei's at the dollar store.
Anna and Megan were so excited about them!
Anna said, "Cool, we got hulas!" it was too cute to correct. Although I really need to start correcting... (she always says "amn't" insted of I am not or I didn't and "withthefout" for without. she even read it that way the other day!).

Anyway the put on the leis and got there hula groove on for some pictures.



Our dinner:
Green frosted cinnamon rolls put together to look like a shamrock (use your imagination)
and Green breakfast casserole
Yes this "breakfast" was our Dinner! Everyone loves breakfast.
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Monday, March 14, 2011

Fishing and Projects

Wayne had a great day fishing at Starvation on Saturday. They caught a lot!! He was fileting them all for hours.... Good thing he loves it so much! I offered to help, but he knows I don't really know what to do. So I was off the hook. The kids just love watching though... except Anna who gags at the sight and smell. We cooked up the big trout for a nice Sunday Dinner yesterday, they were delicious! (sorry wish I had a picture).
The one Wayne is holding is a Rainbow Trout they caught 5 or 6 of those. The middle striped one is a perch. He usually brings home these and they are really small. But this one was a big fat one. The bottom 1 is the one and only Walleye for the day. Not too impressive, but cool to catch one.

David is rubbing his tummy saying "yummy"... Cute. Megan is our real fish lover, she always wants it for dinner!

We have been really enjoying our new fireplace for the last couple of months. It is nice and warm and really efficent. Its a Vermont Castings cast iron stove. Kevin Whiting in our ward did a wonderful job getting the tile all installed for us.

My little project this weekend. Was a dresser I bought on KSL classifieds for the girls. It has a top mirror with some shelves, But I ran out of paint and steam so we'll have to get to that this week. A nice friend Tasha Hancock (also a neighbor and fellow preschool mom) told me what to do. She has a wonderful blog with lots of ideas and has done some really cute furniture makeovers.
Anyway... this is my first attempt at something like this and it is so far from perfect but will work for my girls. I wanted to paint it white and just antique it but knew that the girls would really love it pink. So I painted it white and finished it with a pink glaze. I just put the hardware back on this morning and am trying to decide if I should paint it white/pink/some metalic or just leave it. Any suggestions?
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Melting Snow Fun

The snow has been melting a lot the last couple of weeks. We have had lots of water, mud (which = laundry) and most importantly sunshine!
The kids have had lots of fun playing outside. We filled up some spray bottles with food colored water and let them "paint in the snow"
David doesn't really care about painting.. he just loves being outside!

A smiley face

This kept them busy for quite a while... And we had lots of refills!

David was enjoying walking all around on the crunchy snow. He never wants to come inside... even when he is soaking wet and freezing!
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Megan painting in the snow.


The kids have been sledding on the "sled hill" in the backyard. A huge pile ended up on my fence... I think Wayne shoveled it off the house and it also slid off the shed. Any way they think its so cool to be able to go in their own backyard even when its only a little 'hill'. The girls were all ready to go down into the yard, but Mommy was trying to take a picture and not helping them balance and get going the right way and they slid backwards into the wood pile. Lots of giggles...

David loved it. He gets so excited, waving his hands up in the air and saying "whoo hooo". Of course he doesn't care about looking at the camera. 'Just get to the fun Mom!'
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Mommy's Helpers

We've been doing a little much needed cleaning around our house. I was mopping the floor and Megan was really wanting to help. She said "I'm just like Cinderella Mommy!"

Well David couldn't miss out on the fun either. They both got more wet than the floor... oh well!

Megan printed out this cute little Bow from the Mickey mouse website. It had instructions for making it a bow or a bowtie. She cut out a pink one for her and we pinned this one on this handsome guy!

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