Sunday, November 21, 2010

David's 2nd Bday

We celebrated Davids bday yesterday with our families, we are so blessed to have them close by so they can join us!
Of course I didn't think to prepare him not to touch the candles before they were lit. After he touched them and burned his finger he didn't want anything to do with it... so he had a little help blowing them out.

Yum! He sure loves his Ice cream!

Playing with his CAT toys with Gpa Clayburn.

He went crazy with excitement for his new trucks and horses... we couldnt open them fast enough! He surely didn't want to stop playing and go to bed! He may be a handful and make a few messes but we sure think he's cute!
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Bday Cake

I decided to buy some little CAT toys to decorate David's cake with. I knew it would be tricky to keep him from just grabbing them off the cake, but hoped I'd be able to hurry and snap a few pics. I tried to hide the whole cake from him, but he spied it just before dinner. He was upset and didn't want anything to do with eating... just "trucks" he cried ad pointed at the discovered cake on the kitchen counter. Whats a Mom to do on her little guys special day? So of course I let him get them off the cake and pack them around until the family arrived to celebrate with us.
Luckily he helped put them back on for a few pics.

He is getting good at saying, "Cheese"

He has to drive them on the cake of course, thats what they're for Mom!

This is pretty much what he looked like for a couple of hours packing them everywhere!
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