We started building our House last week, yeah!! It has been going really fast, I'm so glad that we decided to hire a contractor. I don't think I'd be sleeping at night if I had it all on my shoulders. The first couple of days they did the excavation. There is a big pile of dirt that the kids love to climb on and play. We plan to use a lot of it for backfill and build up around the house.

Heres our official sign! :) I love how it says future home of Wayne and Stacy Clayburn, exciting!!

They framed up and poured the footers, then the last several days they have been framing for the foundation. The cement pump truck will be here tommarow, then the next day they will start framing. Our contractor is so organized and on top of things! She says we should be able to close and move in June 12, crazy huh?!!

I went to take these pictures today before they pour the cement and take it all down, and it is so windy here!! Thats spring in the Uintah Basin :(. But when I drove down to take the pictures and got out of the car I was so surprised at how sheltered and nice it was there. Its really protected by the massive grove of trees... those russian olive trees just might be growing on me ;)

Isn't this a pretty little tree all pruned up? Hopefully we can keep it and it won't be in too much of the way during construction. Wayne has pruned up a few more, and we plan on keeping a fair amount. I'd take a picture of the pruned up little grove but currently there is a porta potty there... ;)

David loves playin in the dirt there. He even layed down in it wanting to do a 'snow angel', I made hime stop! crazy kid.

They could play for a long time here. A couple of times when I've come down and there is a big crew of guys there David really thinks its cool... "Why do they talk that Spanish way mom?" lol.

My cutie pie's new playground :) Isn't she sweet with her baby?
Well thats been our busy week. We miss Gma and Gpa, glad they are coming home today!