We had a fun time with our friends the Birds at Lagoon. We camped in the campground for 3 nights and had fun for 2 days at Lagoon. It was hot but we had lots of fun. Fortunetly we had a little window a/c we rigged up for the camp trailer. Our neice Tauzya came with us and she was a great help! The kids had so much fun and are already talking about doing it again next year. The first day we went to Lagoon a beach. The girls had lots of fun going down the waterslides with us. David was too short, but he sure wanted to go!

It was great to have our friends to enjoy it with, it definately made it a lot more fun! Each of the kids had a friend just about their same age. (except for Ellie our youngest and Jarom their oldest) The kid rides were a favorite for David!

All of the kids loved Rattlesnake Rapids and because it wasn't too crowded they went a few times! Daddy had fun playing the squirt gun game with them and we won this giant blue snake :)
Ellie did so well. She slept most of the time in her stroller, but she stretched out on the bench and was so happy! She didn't get to go on any rides... maybe next year!

David was funny... the first ride we went on was the carosel and he freaked out!! After that he was always pretty nervous on the rides, but got more comfortable and started to like most of them. His favorites were the cars, rockets, airplanes and Rattlesnake rapids.

Megan is our brave one. She LOVED the roller coasters: Bombora and the Bat, she went on both several times, but could have gone on them again and again. She did get scared on the Spider and was mad at us for taking her on it. Next year she promises she will try Wicked. It is my new favorite ride!, I got to go a couple of times and I loved it!

Anna just doesn't like heights very much. She tried Bombora, but got really scared and decided to stick closer to the ground. Her favorite rides are: Jumping Dragon, Tilt a Whirl, Rattlesnake Rapids and the Waterslides at Lagoon a beach.