Saturday, December 8, 2007

And the Snow keeps coming Down

We have had another big snowstorm in the Uintah Basin.

Wayne had fun making this huge snowman for the girls at his parents house.

It is a winter wonderland here, keeping us inside our cozy warm homes.

Anna and I made gingerbread men last night with Grandma. As we were mixing the dought she wanted to taste the molasses. "It's umdulicious" she said. After the mixing was done she wanted to lick the bowl and 'spinner' and 'scraper'. Her favorite part of cookie making! Megan joined in and also enjoyed. They made a pretty messy sight. What fun! Hope you are all well. Love, The Clayburns

1 comment:

JWD said...

Stacy, You are doing such a cute job with your blog. Thanks for sharing the fun with your girls and I loved the photos.