Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Santa didn't come...

We had a big snowstorm on Friday night. Anna was pretty excited, she looked out the window and said "Now it's Chrismas mommy!" but when we woke up the next morning she was sad. "Mommy Santa didn't come." Kind of cute. We have explained that snow dosen't mean that it is Christmas, just winter, and we have made a little count down chart for her.

We had plans to go cut our Christmas tree on Saturday, but with about 5 or 6 inches we decided it would be too hard, so we broke down and bought one from the nursery. It is very beautiful and smells wonderful. We took the girls out in the snow to play. The girls loved sledding on the oil well hill a couple of times, but didn't last too long in the cold and wet.

This week really feels like winter; very cold and the days are shorter but longer when we are stuck inside. Wayne has been busy on his project: a pavilion/storage shed/temporary carport. He was able to get the trusses all up this week. It is exciting progress for us, and will be very nice when it is finished.

We hope you are all doing well, and enjoying this season.

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