Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No TV week pictures

Yummy fruit pizza! Anna and Megan only ate the fruit, silly girls.

Look who's 5 months old!

We had fun playing with friends and 5 new baby kittens.

Lazy time in the hammock.
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Adventures of No TV Week

Last week was no tv week. We turned ours off for Mon - Fri. Wayne said "I think you're crazy", but I wanted to try it. Typically we watch 2-4 hours a day! I was all ready for big battles from my girls. The first day was a little hard, but not as bad as I expected. Anna said "Let's just start no tv tommarow Mom" and Megan had a couple of begging moments. But I just stuck with it and helped them find other things to do. The nice weather outside really helped. We made treats, rode bikes, played with friends, had picnics, read stories in the hammock, climed trees, visited Grandma (thanks mom) and played with our new baby kittens. Sometimes I was wishing we could just turn it on for a little bit,(when Megan was napping and Anna was bored, when I was folding laundry, and late at night trying to put kids to bed) but I really wanted to stick with it. On wednesday I was amazed that they didn't even ask to watch tv! I didn't think it was possible.
All in all it was a good experience and I think we'll do it every year. It really is possible to live just one week without it. Here are some of the things I learned:
1. I can say no, my kids will eventually accept it.
2. We play and imagine a lot more without it (we have to!)
3. A lot of times it is just background noise and it can be alot more peaceful with it off.
4. We get more done. Wayne finished his deck and stairs for the shed and some electrical work, thanks honey!
5. We have a lot of fun together: On Friday we drove up to Uinta Canyon and saw: deer, elk, a moose and beaver!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Bday Anna

Well it finally happened. My baby girl turned 5. The past week has been pretty busy, but it has felt like Anna really has done some growing up. She is so sweet and helpful. She is full of questions about the world around her and is learning so much every day. I can really tell that this is such a vital age for learning. We celebrated her big day on Monday April 6 her bday. I attempted a Barbie doll cake, she was pretty happy and the Barbie has become a favorite toy.

She had a "Beauty Parlor" party and invited a few friends and her sister and cousin. We couldn't handle too much with the 'real' makeup, fingernail painting and bracelet making. A big thanks to Erin and Mom for helping out!

All of her little friends brought such nice gifts. Anna was thrilled! She really had a special day and we are grateful for such good friends and family in her life.

Lastly, when Daddy got home from work we had another surprise for her. She was very excited. It was the most excited I've ever seen her act about a present. She keeps telling me "Mom my Barbie bike is my favorite!" What a cute bike, it even has a little Barbie Bike for the Barbie to ride on.
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