Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Review

Here is our year in Review
The girls go Ice Fishing with Daddy
David starts to walk

Brenden and Ainsley visit, we go sledding
Mommy does a craft fair: I did a total of 6 this year!
Daddy and Mommy visit Zermatt

We go on a cruise with our Jared and Kaddee Ross

The girls go to St. George with Gma to see Tarzan and Cats
We go camping with the snows

We play in our new swimming pool
We have fun at the Mecham Reunion at Six Lakes
Megan brakes her arm

Anna preforms with the Stars at UBIC
Daddy goes to Wood Badge and becomes a "bobwhite"
Daddy makes a hut and we have several marshmellow roasts
We visit Salt Lake and the Red Butte Gardens
Daddy hangs up the "pumper swing"
We also finish a lot on our shed: new stairs, railing, siding, paint, carport and refinance our house
Anna starts 1st grade

We enjoy a fourwheeler ride in Bridgeland and look at all the fall leaves
The kids and Mommy go to the Wayment Reunion in Southern Utah
We have a fun Halloween Hay ride in Bridgeland and dress up for the trunk or treat in our ward neighborhood
Daddy buys a new communter "cop" car at an auction
Brenden and Ainsley visit and we play at the Hut

We visit Lonnies family in Illinois and go to Nauvoo

Happy New Year!

We have been very blessed this year with good health, happiness and love. This week was especially nice to have Wayne home from work with us for a whole week. This has never happened before for us, and we are really enjoying being together. We are glad to have our 1:00 church schedule behind us, and are looking forward to 9:00 meetings this Sunday.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

a BIG surprise

On Christmas Eve we opened a BIG present from Gma and Gpa Clayburn. It was a new TV! Wow, we are so blessed!! So on Christmas day we had a little rearranging to do... David loved it!

Wayne also got a Wii for Christmas, and we had a lot of fun playing it.

Megan is a really good bowler, she gets lots of strikes.

Anna really loves the Wii. She gets so excited, we are nervous that she's going to knock right into the TV. Her favorites are boxing and bowling.
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Christmas Morning

"Santa brought me all the stuff I wanted!" Anna was so excited!

Megan loves her Polly Pocket princesses. She plays with them for hours!

David has played, ate, and slept with Woody and Buzz from his stocking.

Megan wearing her "wise man" crown she made in primary. We had a yummy breakfast of biscuts and gravy deliverd to our door from the wonderful elves "gma and gpa". We are so spoiled I know!
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The real meaning of Christmas

On Christmas eve we read the Christmas story and the kids acted it out using some cute costumes Gma had. Some wonderful things Anna has said this month: "I know the true meaning of Christmas is when baby Jesus was born", and "Next year I will be really really good and not ask Santa for anything because that's my present to him." Meagn made a little gingerbread house at preschool and it fell down. "That's okay", she said, "I'll just make it a stable for baby Jesus." We also had a Family Home Evening lesson about serving others and made a little manger to add straw to when we do something kind for others, they have had fun doing that. I am so thankful for these precious children who keep the true spirit of Christmas alive in our lives.

Megan the sheep.

David a shepherd.

Anna a shepherd.
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Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas Eve at Gma Clayburns house. It was a nice party with our cousins, we are so lucky to have such a great family!
Megan and her Best Friend cousin Courtney

Anna was excited to play all the games and win prizes. This year we played Minute to Win it games. We all enjoyed it and didn't pretty good "facing the cookie", "stacking the nuts", "catching the candy canes" and guessing the "bells". But only uncle Ryan could "stack 3 golf balls on top of each other".

This is the only way I could get David to sit still for a picture... he is always crawling inside of boxes!

Anna and Megan made sure to leave cookies for Santa this year. Anna wanted to put them by a "nice comfortable place".
The next morning they were almost all gone and there were crumbs in the milk cup.
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Ward Christmas Party

The tinsel table decorations were a big hit at the Ward Christmas Party this year! The kids loved making piles, and scattering it around. Megan and Anna sang "Picture a Christmas" with the Primary kids. And wore their cute Christmas shirts. It was an ugly sweater Christmas party... sorry we don't own any ugly sweaters anymore!

It was fun to have a visit from Santa Claus. Megan forgot what she wanted. Mommy reminded her that she wanted a Polly Pocket Princess castle.

We saw Santa at the mall in November, but since then Anna's list grew... She asked for: an ipod, a cupcake maker, a nail styler and a hair styler.

David wanted nothing to do with Santa of course. He was cute in his little reindeer suit, and enjoyed the Christmas candy.
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Big Snow storm

After such a mild November and most of Decemeber. I was pretty sure we wouldn't have a white Christmas. But it just took one good storm and now we'll have snow on the ground for months.... not sure how I feel about that. It was beautiful and fun for a couple of days. Wayne was worried that our carport couldn't take that much snow and shoveled it off when he got home. I am so thankful for a nice brother who shoveled our sidewalks and cleared our driveway, thanks Tony!

Our Christmas decorations were almost burried. Thats a lot of snow!

I guess the leaves froze on this tree before they fell? Kinda weird huh?
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