Friday, August 16, 2013

Good Ol days of Summer!

Boy we have been having a great summer, busy busy busy!! Ellie has learned to drink from the hose, and love the trampoline :)

Daddy's such a good sport to play with his kids. What a great Dad! 

The girls have been having soooo much fun with their cousins. They build huts, play games/clubs, dolls, sleepovers, dress up, pretend and just whatever they think of next....
Anna has been getting really good at hula hooping. She has Emily time her her new record is 13 minutes and 3 secs!

Ainsley, Anna and Emily put on a play on Waynes trailer otherwise known as "the stage". 

A tea party lunch with their dolls

They even made a lunch for the boys! ;) 

Then they wanted to make a fancy layer cake.... (kind of reminds me of if you give a mouse a cookie....) 

Ty and David have lots of fun too, and sometimes get into trouble ;) So Ellie loves to do "her dishes", one day I found her chugging down my big drink cup.... he he he! 
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1 comment:

JWD said...

Fun photos & great mud play too!