Thursday, April 15, 2010

Swinging fun

Everyone loves to swing.
David loves to swing, he cries whenever we take him out to stop. Megan and Anna also like to 'push' him. So much fun!

Anna of course likes to be pushed again and again and again. She was tipping all the way upside down for these ones. We are working on pumping her legs.

Megan cracks me up! I love it, when I take the time to really listen to her she says the funniest things. She was swinging and she tells me, "I'm swinging so high I can see Idaho!" Isn't it fun to be four years old? She loves imagining and pretending wether it's finding dinosars in the clouds, playing store/camping/hotel with Anna or teaching new tricks to David shes always having fun!

Dad took this fun picture of David with his new Blackberry and emailed it to me, so High Tech Dad!
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Joanne said...

Your kids are sooo cute! I loved all the updates. The "this is the life" comment had me laughing! How cute!

Patsy Mecham said...

This photos must of came from your phone. Wow!